About Us


SIS Tasks

Within the scope of its competence and powers, SIS collects and provides the legally defined recipients with the information on the most critical threats to the constitutional system, internal order and security, as well as the information focused on the protection of foreign political and economic interests of the state. In compliance with the applicable SIS Strategic Security Focus, the Service focuses mainly on counter-terrorism and organised crime, crimes endangering the foundations of the Slovak Republic and its security, extremism, illegal migration, money laundering and proliferation.

In the economic area SIS monitors mainly uneconomical or fraudulent management of state and municipality assets , corruption and cronyism in state administration and municipalities, serious tax and customs frauds and threats to energy security of the Slovak Republic.

In the foreign and security areas SIS monitors chiefly critical and conflict regions, and potential impacts of international security and economic crises on the interests, security and economy of the Slovak Republic.

In the area of intelligence security SIS focuses on the protection of classified information and on activities of foreign intelligence services. It also participates in personnel vetting and industrial security clearance processes.

SIS actively cooperates with partner intelligence services and international organisations to avert security threats to areas the Slovak Republic and the EU and NATO member states focus on in order to protect the security of international community.

Cooperation of SIS and other law-enforcement bodies in the Slovak republic

To perform legally defined tasks, SIS cooperates with all central bodies of the state administration. SIS also maintains communication with their subordinate bodies and other state authorities. To carry out assignments defined in the strategic focus, SIS intensively cooperates with law enforcement authorities at all levels – heads of departments, heads of units and inter-department structures, such as Expert Coordination Body for Crime Combat.

SIS has been one of the initiators of the establishment of the inter-department expert group for information exchange and analysis coordination and cooperation in counter-terrorism at a national level (EG), which has been running since January 2007 under the Security Council for intelligence service coordination. All major national entities involved in the counter-terrorism are represented in the EG. It coordinates operational and analytical activities of the participating state bodies in counter-terrorism.

On local levels, SIS mainly cooperates with the Police Corps and its special units, Military Intelligence, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economy and the Nuclear Supervision Authority of the Slovak Republic.

International Cooperation

Mutual cooperation of intelligence services is a significant instrument for protecting political and economic interests of countries and safety of their citizens. International counter-terrorism is the priority of the international intelligence community. Illegal migration, proliferation, extremism, combat activities of foreign intelligence services and monitoring the developments in crisis and conflict regions are other areas of common interest. 02

SIS strives for balanced and correct partner relationships with intelligence services and develops cooperation in the areas of common interest with the western and eastern countries. The SIS Director General initiates cooperation with new countries. In terms of quality of relations and achieved results, best relations have been developed with strong intelligence services in the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany and neighbouring countries, especially the V4 countries. SIS actively participates in international intelligence platforms and EU and NATO structures. SIS is one of the founders of the international intelligence forum - Middle European Conference (MEC) - established in Amsterdam in 1994. Liaison officers abroad are a substantial tool of international cooperation.