About Us
SIS Logo
The upper part of the SIS logo consists of a semicircle and the sign “The Slovak Information Service”.
The national emblem of the Slovak Republic is placed in the centre of the SIS logo. It denotes that the country and the protection of state interests are in the centre of concern of the Service and its officers.
The national emblem of the Slovak Republic is protected by two owls – symbols of wisdom and prudence – sitting on branches of a linden tree, the traditional tree of Slavs.
The lower part of the SIS logo shows a hanging ribbon with a quotation by Publilius Syrus, a Latin writer of maxims: “Caret periclo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet.“ meaning the following “One who is on the alert avoids danger even if one feels safe.“
This SIS logo is also a trademark in compliance with Act 506/2009 Coll. on Trademarks.